Even though it’s not a new marketing approach, email marketing remains one of the most effective communication methods. After all, with about 3.7 billion email users worldwide (a figure that’s expected to grow to 4.3 billion by 2022), there’s no wonder email marketing survived for this long! In fact, when it comes to working with…
Year: 2019
The UK New Prime Minister & the State of Brexit
Great Britain had quite a tumultuous end of July with the resignation of former PM Theresa May and the election of a new head of Her Majesty’s Government. But the wave has passed and now we have a new Prime Minister to lead the country. The new PM has a more pro-Brexit attitude and seems…
What Do Music & Translation Have in Common?
Translation is one of those industries that doesn’t make an impact on your life (at least one you register consciously) unless you must deal with it directly. And, for most people, the first encounter with the industry comes a bit as a surprise. We say this because, as translators, we receive all sorts of weird…
How do Authors & Movie Makers Create Fake Languages?
A while back we talked about the most popular fake languages available today and that some people are actually learning to use them in everyday communication. As we discovered in that article (which you can read here), fake languages are usually created for books and movies, to immerse the readers/viewers into the story. But how…
The Role & Responsibility of Translators & Interpreters in World History
Did you know that, in a matter of speaking, translators and interpreters hold the fate of the world on their shoulders? Think about it! The leaders of this world don’t speak every language there is, and yet, they need to communicate with each other. And when they do, the only way their message gets through…
Fictional Languages That Actually Make Sense
Despite the fact that there are about 6,900 languages spoken in today’s world, incredibly creative authors felt the need to create new ones for their imaginary universes. And, while most of the fictional languages we can find in books and movies are complete gibberish, there are a few that make sense and people can learn…
Video Games Translation & Localisation: The Struggles of a Linguist
With all the new media available nowadays, the world of translation and localisation is a completely different field than it was a decade ago. Besides the regular texts, we now get to work with sites, mobile apps, video scripts, and yes, video games. However, in order to work with these types of media, you need…
5 Most Translated Books of All Times
If you take a closer look at the global culture and its development, you’ll notice that translators have been shaping the world ever since the first books were created. They were the people who wanted to share written wisdom by removing the barrier of language. Even today, translators play a vital role in maintaining open…
Brexit Brings New Work Opportunities for Technical Translators
If in the last article we were weighing in the pros and cons of Brexit, seen from the point of view of a translation agency, today we’re going to take a different approach. We are going to take a look at the way Brexit influences the manufacturing industry and why this has an impact on…
The Brexit Effect: Is Your Business in Danger?
The Brexit effect is one of the most discussed issues in the UK right now because it will impact the country in a fundamental way. The business environment is already changing, with big companies leaving the British territory and heading to other countries. As a result, the UK is constantly losing jobs, money, and even…