The Power of Words in Online Marketing

The Power of Words in Online Marketing

“The pen is mightier than the sword!” Edward Bulwer-Lytton coined this phrase in the late 1830s in order to show that communication is more effective than violence. Now, while the meaning remains the same, in today’s world it also applies to the field of marketing, where words have power over aggressiveness and badgering. Marketers learn…

Global Businesses & High-End Translation Services: A Fruitful & Necessary Collaboration

Global Businesses & High-End Translation Services: A Fruitful & Necessary Collaboration

Due to new technologies that support communications via online means we now see all sorts of businesses taking a global approach towards their products and/or services. Moreover, nowadays, you don’t even need to be a powerful magnate to gain access to international markets! However, one thing hasn’t changed: you still need high-end translation services to…

Is Language a Female Dominated Industry?

Is Language a Female Dominated Industry?

Given that today we celebrate International Women’s Day, we decided to shift things a little bit and talk about an industry dominated by women. While the situation is different than it was a few decades ago, fields like science, mathematics, medicine (high-end specializations), finances, and more are still dominated by males. But, when it comes…